Hello! You have been invited to this page because of your generous donation to my fundraising campaign for the 2015 Climb for Himalaya Children with the Mitrata-Nepal Foundation and Red Lantern Journeys. Thank you!
The Mitrata-Nepal Foundation is doing incredible work to provide access to education for the children of Nepal and your donation is greatly appreciated. I also wanted to personally thank you for the encouragement and support. The climb was by far the most difficult endeavor I attempted and I am so thankful to have a community who pushes me to chase bigger dreams.
Your gracious donation helped me pass my personal goal with a total of $3,004.00! The overall event raised $42,317.55. Wow! I am thrilled to see so many people support such an incredible cause.
As promised, with a donation of $100.00 or over, you have qualified for a 5x5 print from my climb up Mount Rainier. The photos were taken by a small camera that I had looped around my neck and one arm. The camera was tucked safely under my jacket collar and I was able to shoot with one hand while walking. It was a new photographic experience for me!
Please scroll down the entire page to view the photos you can choose from. Please use the dropdown section to select the option you would like to have printed and complete your shipping address and submit. I will be placing the orders in groups so please allow a few weeks for printing and delivery.
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Option 5
Option 6
Option 7
Option 8: NO PHOTO. "I don't need a reward, I simply wanted to donate to the cause. Thanks!"